Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kites - Soaring High

The long wait of 2 and half years got over, when i watched the paid preview of the movie KITES...

Hrithik is appallingly handsome, like a greek-god, very natural and the director has pictured him fabulously in the close-ups and bare torso shots. He has performed mindblowing dance sequence and you would want more of it. Barbara is gorgeous, her natural charm syncs in with the character effortlessly. Together they put up a fantastic pair which illuminates the screen.

J played by Hrithik teaches dance for his survival and marries immigrant women wanting green card, to make quick buck. To realise him dream of making quick and easy money, he falls for Kangana who is a daughter of the most wealthy casino owner, played by Kabir Bedi. While Linda played by Barbara is fiance of Tony who is Kabir Bedi's son. The story of how they fall for each other despite a common aim of making quick money by marrying into the same family is wonderfully told. They can't speak each other languages, she can't speak english and he can't follow spanish, yet their mute love for each other is spellbound.

The second half of the movie falters a bit with a lot of chasing sequence and a few dumb scenes of fights and escapades. The villain played by a newcomer Nick Brown fails to deliver and is unimpressive. Kangana is as always, playing again the role of a pycho lover.

The story unfolds predictably, but the crackling chemistry between the two central characters keeps Kites soaring in the sky.

Worth a Watch!!

1 comment:

  1. On the contrary...
    Of all movies watched in 2010, Kites must have been the shitiest one i guess.

    I expected something much more from Mr. J
    Some questions......

    a- if he is a dance teacher, he surely forgets about it after the brilliant dance sequence (not at all utilized in the movie...would have added to action sequences)

    b- if he is a con artist, he could have used that. It like i have all these abilities but i dont need them in this movie

    c- If we are in the west, around ranches....we deserve to see barbara mori on horses....

    d- where the f is Kabir bedi...dude is airlfted after the 1st half i guess

    e- we could have used a better actor than TONY...he sucks at both languages

    Many other things....It wouldnt have been bad if the friend moment of death was more emotional, kangana' transformation was visible. bedi was there ;)

    anyways i give it 2/5

    Skip it after the dance sequence..w
