Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend flicks

Angel A - This is a French movie about a man who is neck deep in debt, all money borrowed from mafia chief, gambled and lost. To save his life from mafia, he goes to police for rescue but his fate is such that the police wouldn't help. To end all his misery, he thinks of ending his life where he comes across a tall, beautiful, angelic girl who has also come to commit suicide. Her reasons for suicide belittles his own reason and he comes to term with life. Pictured in grayscale, this movie beautifully depict the contrast between the two central characters. The transformation in his character from a dud to a self-confident, fearless guy is wonderfully told.

City of God - A film based on a small poverty stricken town in Brazil where children are grown amidst crime, drugs and violence. Where guns are toys, killing is hobby and the drugdealer is King. The story revolves around two characters Rocket and Lil Ze, Rocket's dream is to become a photographer and escapes from City of God while Lil Ze becomes a powerful drugdealer. Brutally shocking, this film shows the gang life in the City of God and how every kid aspires to be the King of this city. This film is a marvel and utterly compelling.

Cape Fear - Robert de Niro at his best, he plays a psycho in this movie who spends 14 years in jail convicted for raping and brutally beating a girl. His lawyer intentionally concealed a valuable document which could have reduced his sentence but de Niro's eccentricity prevents him from doing so. When he is released after serving his 14 years term, he is back in the town to harass the lawyer and his family. Martin Scorsese's direction and great camera work has beautifully shown the emotion of revenge and how it distorts one's vision of what is wrong or right which is pragmatic yet daunting.

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