Thursday, June 3, 2010

Environment Disaster

Most e-mail these days comes with a rider "Think before you print, save trees, save planet earth". And so often, it happens that you are left with no option other than printing. I faced a similar dilemma recently, caught in a very difficult trap, i went for saving my neck from boss's clutch rather than saving mother earth but that thought always remained.

And few days later i came across this heartbreaking news of oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico caused by BP's oil well blow-out. Claimed as the greatest environmental disaster in US history by US President Barack Obama. This leakage which happened in April is releasing 12,000 to 19,000 barrels of oil everyday into the ocean and BP's attempt so far to cap the well and plug the leak haven't worked. After a few failed trial and error attempt, BP is skeptical and predict that in worst case scenario, the leak would be plugged by christmas time which mean by year end, 4 million barrels of oil would be spilled into the Gulf. According to Harry Roberts, a professor of Coastal Studies at Louisiana State University, that would wipe out marine life deep at sea near the leak and elsewhere in the gulf, and along hundreds of miles of coastline.

This piece of news has put me in shock, i was guilty about few print outs but the loss to the environment with this kind of calamity is agonizing.

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