The story unfolds typically with conflicts between the cousins like Pandavas vs Kauravas. Arjun Rampal on one side while Manoj Bajpai on the other, both seeking reins of the family' political legacy after the head of the family suffers a paralytic stroke. The hunger for power leads to a massive bloodbath.
Ranbir Kapoor is the younger brother of Arjun Rampal, based out of US and not into the family politics until his father is murdered which brings a transformation in his character. He joins his elder brother and turns into a scheming politican. Ajay Devgan who plays Karna from Mahabharata, born out of wedlock and abandoned by his mother at the time of his birth stands against his own step-brothers for his friend (Manoj Bajpai) as depicted in the epic. Katrina Kaif's character has little resemblance to Draupadi, when she is used as a pawn for marriage for alliances to gain the power. Nana Patekar has played a wise counselor to the Pandavas like Krishna.
While the first half of the movie is gripping, the second half falters a bit with some half baked scenes like the confrontation between Kunti and her abandoned son Karna and the shootout scene during the end where Krishna counsels Arjun to kill Karna when he refuses to kill him.
Some incredible performances can be witnessed like Nana Patekar as a witty Brij, Ranbir Kapoor as a calm and yet so conniving youngest member of the family. Arjun Rampal is convincing in his brash role. Ajay Devgan, in the first half has performed brilliantly while the movie slips from him to the other actors in the second half and he has not much role to play. Katrina Kaif as Indu was not very impressive in the first half while later she does her job of looking good as a widowed politician with some resemblance to Sonia Gandhi.
The movie becomes little boring as it is 3 hours long. However, the brilliant performances put by various actors makes it a must see.
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